
Kaixiang Xie

PhD student @McGill

I am a PhD student in the School of Computer Science at McGill University. I work in the McGill Graphics Lab under the supervision of Prof. Paul G. Kry. My research work focuses on physics-based character animation, especially motion control problems. I am also interested in embedded systems and electronics (for fun). When I am free, I enjoy hiking, bicycling, reading books about natural science, geography and history, and playing strategy games. Additionally, I like Sci-Fi, detective novels, and novels by Stephen King.

Q: Why the "de" domain? Are you in Germany?

A: Nein, ich bin in Kanada. I chose this domain because it was the cheapest.😝 Besides, it sounds like "谢凯翔的". Pretty cool, eh? And can someone tell me why a "jp" domain costs 5 times more?


Modal Actuations

Actuators À La Mode: Modal Actuations for Soft Body Locomotion

Otman Benchekroun, Kaixiang Xie, Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, Eitan Grinspun, Sheldon Andrews, Victor Zordan, SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers
Policy Evaluation

Too Stiff, Too Strong, Too Smart: Evaluating Fundamental Problems with Motion Control Policies

Kaixiang Xie, Pei Xu, Sheldon Andrews, Victor B. Zordan, Paul G. Kry, Symposium on Computer Animation, 2023

AdaptNet: Policy Adaptation for Physics-Based Character Control

Pei Xu, Kaixiang Xie, Sheldon Andrews, Paul G. Kry, Michael P. Neff, Morgan McGuire, Ioannis Karamouzas, Victor B. Zordan, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2023)
Catch and Throw

Catching and Throwing Control of a Physically Simulated Hand

Yunhao Luo, Kaixiang Xie, Sheldon Andrews, Paul G. Kry, Motion, Interaction and Games, 2021

Inverse Dynamics Filtering for Sampling-based Motion Control

Kaixiang Xie, Paul Kry, Computer Graphics Forum, 2021